Friday, 10 June 2011

Music Festivals Kick off! Full lineup

The great thing is not just that it's Friday, but the music festival season has kicked off today with the Isle of Wight, Download, and Glade setting the groove. We all know how fun festivals can be, just check out the guy in the picture above!

As I am super busy with getting this new material I have been working on perfect for you guys, I won't be able to make it to any this year (whether you like Chinese or not, I'm sure you'll dig the new track, hint hint) I'll have to catch up with it via Twitter and when they get shown on TV. The crazy thing is, the internet is such a fantastic tool, it would be great if anyone attending could share their stories, pictures and adventures with us here. So if you've got anything you want to share, give me a shout on either here, Twitter or Facebook. I'm still available on Myspace too if you're still alive over there. Incase you don't know, here's the links...

Twitter -
Facebook -

There are so many Festivals this year, with some really great lineups, could this be the best year of festivals? What do you think? To keep up to date with all of them and who's performing etc, I've fished out a sweet download from the Guardian websites which lists all the festvals, headliners, acts and so on. It's very usefull, and is up to date. See below for link...

The Guardian: 'UK music festivals 2011 mapped - download the data' -

There's also a really fun poll "Will you be attending any Music Festivals this season?" on this page

What festivals are you going to? Who are you looking forward to seeing the most? Are you camping out for the whole thing? I want to hear from you! Let's get the ball rolling and share the love!

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